Typy starzenia się aktywnych edukacyjnie osób starszych w kontekście egzystencjalnym





ageing typology, existential concerns, active older learners, aging types


Being very much engaged in educational activities, active older learners are a unique group. That is why it is interesting to study how these people age. Educated and open people can best express their thoughts about old age through deep, reflection-oriented interviews. Thanks to qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with biographical elements, a typology of aging was developed, exposing the existential perspective. The typology is based on several characteristics: satisfaction from own old age, acceptance of old age, suffering, coping with existential concerns, resourcefulness, spirituality, or attitude towards death and dying. Four aging types were generated: confrontational, continuation, consumption, and constructive. Each represents different ways active older learners cope with everyday struggles and different mechanisms they introduce into their daily lives.


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